MEANING: the concepts evoked when an awareness imbues significance to an object or event

Meaning is the set of intermeshed concepts elicited in an awareness when some thing or some event is treated with symbolic significance. Any object or event which provokes a response from an organism... because it just might be significant for it... is meaningful to it. All living things react to certain sights and sounds and smells that have significance for them. Those particular stimuli are meaningful to them. Meaning is the property of relevance and significance that an organism experiences with respect to certain perceptions. It may well turn out that the object or event appears meaningless, but in a mathematically perverse fashion, meaningless is just an evaluation of zero on the scale of meaning. Meaning is not to be arrogantly restricted to the domain of human cerebral introspections, where academic linguistic hair-splitting contrives internal nonsense. The human mind is not the only place where existence means something.

Humans are capable of imbuing any perceived phenomena whatsoever with significance... be it a sunrise, a germinating seed, a side-long glance, a spoken sentence, a political painting, an erotic sculpture, or a set of symbolic flag characters on display. The meaning evoked in different individuals will never be exactly the same. The variations in maturity, culture, education and intellectual bias will ensure that. Their level of existential awareness determines directly the complexity and appropriateness of any concepts evoked. The appearance of a comet will stimulate a different networks of concepts in an astronomer to those of an astrologer. A rainbow means dissimilar things to a meteorologist and the goblin chairing a conference on gold prospecting. Certainly the concept of... 'the xmas faerie'... held by a two year old won't have quite the connotations as those held by hormone soaked twenty-year-olds at an end of year office party.

For language, a subset of the domain of meaningful phenomena, meaning and communication are inseparable. The purpose of a language is to communicate meaning. An individual on the dark side of the world observes a COMET and attempts to communicate the fact by using some sort of language, such as a string of symbolic flags transmitted via space and time. Another individual on the light side sees a RAINBOW and transmits its observation to the side in darkness. Neither may understand the meaning of the communication but if they acknowledge receipt of the message, then further refinement is possible by way of questions and answers. A continuous feedback loop of communications is the only process whereby individuals or groups can adjust and refine their concepts.

As well as the maturity and experiences of the participants in any communication, the meaning evoked depends heavily on the staging of the words and whether they are intended to deceive or not. It depends upon the actors, the play, the era and the technology. The politician's kiss in public is imbued with social meanings about alliances and recognitions, whereas a kiss in private will have very different implications. An instruction to... 'get rid of the bug'... would mean quite different things to a gardener, a police surveillance team and a software developer. When we read a headline that... the white queen was forked by the black knight... we need to know whether the journalist was at a chess tournament or reporting an event in a medieval haystack.

It is not appropriate to use the words 'truth' and 'falsity' with respect to concepts and hence to meanings. Truth is concerned with statements and their evaluation criteria. Only substance-enhanced armchair eye-glazers promulgate assertions like... 'Beauty is Truth'... under the delusion that they 'mean' something.