a bard ought to try not to lose his- her feet
so sing-ing the words will re-tain a braw beat
and keep all the brachs and the beats in a row
so rhym-ing and ass- on- ance ech- o the flow

a high- wi- er act that is seek-ing re- known
while flaunting the grit of their guts we are shown
by stringing a tight-rope a- bove some high falls
the fab- u- lous feats of ti- tan- i- um balls

a po- et how- ev- er to gain our re- spect
en- sur-ing that met- er and rhyme is corr- ect
must bal-ance and slide on a thin wire of words
with all of the con- tent way off with the birds

one tries to use am- phi- brachs four in a row
and leave the last up- beat un- word- ed to show
by mak- ing these quat-rains of lines in a verse
the thoughts of a maes-tro are cryp- tic and terse

the fur- ther one goes o'er the cha- sm to fame
the few- er the feet be- fore last- ing ac-claim
the hard- er it gets not to weak- en and cheat
one (dac- tyl- ic) void is the sign of de- feat

© nev2016

MuseScore generated audio without vocals